Awareness | 食

Dingyin Yao (Rola)

“Food, movie, swimming, book, nature, speed, black, passionate, technology, painting, thinking, gallery, diligence, camera, story, independent, abstract, travel, curiosity… I observe life, care the world, create art.”
—Rola Yao

Food is an ordinary thing to us, high in accessibility while often belittled in our daily life. Rola plays around with the Mandarin homophonic sound and English titles to create different dishes using food as the carrier, to challenge people’s stereotypes and extend our thinking about human nature.

Awareness | 食
Video, food with mixed media

“湿 (失)”了身份 Drowning

“年(黏)”年有余 Separation

和”稀(西)”泥 Furnace

壳里的”仁(人)” The Second State

“要(药)”在一起 To be Together


Dingyin Yao (Rola)

I'm seeking opportunities
Contact Me
Rola Yao is an interdisciplinary artist. She was born in Hangzhou, China, and now lives and works based in Vancouver, Canada. Rola primarily focuses on painting, photography, installation and curating. Her creative practice is often concerned with body movement, possibility in different mediums. Within Rola's Eastern and Western cultural background, her creative thinking extends combined from the "phantom" of the East with the "order" of the West.
Profile image of Dingyin Yao (Rola)