
Chen Wei Chen

A short film by Aktash Singh, Nathan Yang and Chen Wei Chen


A young student, Guddu’s credibility is challenged when he isn’t able to submit his assignment on time. “My dog ate my homework” The most generic ‘excuse’ everyone’s heard of is ironically infused in Guddu’s tale. Guddu is stuck after school convincing his teacher Mr. Sharma to why his book report is torn in half and couldn’t be submitted on time. The student takes Mr. Sharma to the day before where it all happened in his house, alone at night with his dog Ki-Ki. However implausible his explanation may seem, maybe hear him out?

film poster

Premiere live stream for 3D animation grad films is on May 15, see URL below:

Also, the MoD site will be available starting from May 27:

Shot breakdown

Chen Wei Chen

I'm seeking opportunities
Contact Me
Hi, I grew up drawing and reading stories all the time. I came to Vancouver 4 years ago from Taiwan to attend university and to seek a career opportunity in the animation industry. I have learned a lot about the this art form throughout the years, and is excited to keep on learning when I enter the industry.
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