
Dana Lam

Using the dark power of necromancy a young championship-winning jockey resurrects her old racehorse to win one last race.

Artist Statement

I love to make people laugh and cringe, going with that, the film plays with the occult, dark humor, and comedy, as well as the dark side of human behavior. I focused on the power relationship between rider and animal and how it would play out if the animal was gifted supernatural power.


I spent the whole summer of 2020 thinking about what I wanted to do for my last student film. I had a solid idea of what I wanted to do until I saw a funny screenshot of a Tumblr thread about horse necromancy. Before the semester started I scrambled to flesh out the film’s concept. I had a lot of fun exploring the color dynamics of the two characters. I knew that I wanted the horse and the girl to have complementary colors

Project Stills

Project Information


  • Director: Dana Lam
  • Music Composer: Leif Jack
  • Sound Design: Dana Lam
  • Voice Actors:
    • Sarah-Jane Russell, (Jaylestial); – Pesto & Interviewer
    • Benjamin Buckley – Sports Announcer
  • Title Design: Alex Volchek
  • Animation Assistants: Christine Lee, Rachel Liu
  • Animation Clean-up & Color: Christine Lee, Angela Almero, Rachel Liu, Double Aye (Mohammed Abdullah)
  • VFX Artist:s Noah Van Buhren, Dana Lam
  • Sound Mix Engineer: Doug Paterson, Big World Sound

Special Thanks

  • YJ Hur
  • Noah Van Buhren
  • Lorelei Pepi
  • Leslie Bishko
  • Animation techs, Gil Goletski & Chris Strickler
  • Dana’s family

Original Concept
C.T. Kelly, for normal-horoscopes

Dana Lam

I'm seeking opportunities
Contact Me
Dana Lam was born on Vancouver Island, British Columbia. After a tough period of time torn between a career path in biological sciences and arts, they chose to come to Vancouver to study 2D animation at Emily Carr. They wanted to pursue arts and animation since they were very young, as cartoons always seemed to engulf their thoughts at all times. Dana aspires to be involved with Canadian studio animation, to work alongside the people who created the cartoons they watched as they grew up.
Profile image of Dana Lam