The Light

Ella Punzal

Original digital Poster for the film
New digital Poster for the film (graphic design illustration style)

Title: The Light

Year completed: 2020

Genre: Drama/ Psychological/ Comedy

Media: 2D digital Animation


The Light focuses on a young teen girl and her family at a camping trip. The girl however finds herself struggling with the darkness surrounding them. The dark plays with her head. This escalates into an unforeseeable crisis. The young teen does not like speaking about it nor make heed of it. Will she overcome her fears or will she forevermore live in shame with her secret?


Natalie – image
Image of Natalie’s Mom and Dad 1

Natalie – The main character plus the young teen girl who comes out as afraid of the dark. It is unknown how it all came to be but, it can be assumed it happened during childhood.

Mom and Dad – The parents of Natalie. Both care for Natalie’s wellbeing.  Mom is the very serious/worry type while the Dad is more of the chill yet caring type. 

Link to Senior film:

*More info on the senior film can be found at the bottom beside the biography- The link to the blog*

Ella Punzal

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Ella Punzal is a 2D animator whom originated from the Philippines. She was only five years old when she and her family migrated in 2003. Ella started drawing ever since she was only in 1st grade. The talent itself came from nowhere. Eventually, through the same interests/influences/and inspirations likewise to the same fellow age group or even those younger, she pursues the creative arts.
Profile image of Ella Punzal