- #Abstract
- #Aesthetic
- #Body
- #Children & Childhood
- #Colourful
- #Comfort
- #Conceptual
- #Contemporary
- #COVID-19
- #Death
- #Digital
- #Drawing
- #Dream
- #Emotion
- #Environment
- #Ephemeral
- #Experimental
- #Fantasy
- #Fragment
- #Fun
- #Game
- #Gender
- #Healing
- #Identity
- #Imagination
- #Installation
- #Landscape
- #Material
- #Mental Health
- #Mixed Media
- #Mystery
- #Nature
- #Oil Painting
- #Personal
- #Practice-based
- #Quarantine
- #Reflection
- #Sculpture
- #Self-portrait
- #Self
- #Series
- #Social
- #Sound
- #Storytelling
- #Surrealist
- #Technology
- #Transition
Made in ECUAD™
George Weston
Figuration Transformation
This series takes a highly realistic approach to depicting the surreal, continuing to address small details like the sgraffito leg hairs or how skin tones are hit by light whilst drastically distorting limbs and reconstructing the body. They have a sense of movement and purpose, yet seem to be trapped by the bounds set by the canvas.
This series explores the mid-ground between digital and biological forms. In some this manifests itself in the intestine-like shapes and cell-like spheres which work in the aesthetic of computer-generated imagery; in others, landscapes are distorted with geometric patterns alongside exaggerated fluidity. All connect through the way they capture depth, giving a representational quality despite the fact that they lean towards the abstract.
These works are loosely connected through the topic of games. ‘Elements’ is the name of a routine ribbon dance, turning the act of painting itself into a playful routine. ‘Twisting the Night Away’ is a real-life stretched Twister mat, with acrylic painted hands, originally from famous paintings, poking fun at art history by making these artists from through the centuries battle it out over a game of Twister. ‘4. b4’ is a game of chess between two AI computers translated into a painting and then disturbed with countless layers; it combines creativity and expression with computational calculation.
‘Elements’, oil and acrylic paint on 24×30″ canvas ‘Twisting the Night Away’, acrylic paint on 50×60″ Twister mat ‘4. b4’, oil and acrylic paint on 50×50″ canvas
Sculptural Works
Whilst George is primarily a painter, this section showcases his diverse array of practices. Surrealism still creeps into some of his sculptural pieces but others are informed by minimalism and trickery.