Xiaotong Ye

This is a pop-up book that narrates a story that is inspired by daily life. The story is about a cliché adventure that was inspired by plush toys, and this humorous fantasy story is suitable for all aged audiences. The main characters —— Bone and Bessy is finding the lost skin of Bone, and they eventually defeat the witch who stole the skin.

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“The story happened at night. It was very quiet. The main character of the story was sleeping while the little pig was looking for a chance to break into the house.”
“The story happened at night. It was very quiet. The main character of the story was sleeping while the little pig was looking for a chance to break into the house.”

“Little pig broke into the room and stole Bone’s skin.”

“So Bone decided to pack his bag and set off on a journey to find his skin.”

“Bone was searching for a few months but didn’t find anything and even lost his luggage.”

“On his way home, he saw Bessy who was beaten up by a group of people.”

“Because Bessy looked so much like Bone’s little Chick doll, Bone decided to save Bessy, but in the end, Bessy protected Bone.”
“Then a piece of paper floated down from the sky. It said: “Come to the witch’s Castle for the skin.”

“At this time, the Fairy Yoyo appeared and told them to go to the forest’s deepest place and they would see the witch’s castle. She gave them a watermelon to use as a key weapon.”
“They set out on the journey, and the little watermelon lead the way. Along the way, they met a lot of trouble to deal with.”

“Eventually, they reached the witch’s castle.”

“Bone tried to save Bessy but was broken apart by a Witch Kiki’s magical attack.”


Xiaotong Ye

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Xiaotong (Celine) is a Vancouver-based artist, yet grew up in Shenzhen, China, where she was deeply influenced. The subject matters that Celine is engaging with are mostly human emotions and figures. Thus, she is an artist who strives to portray a liminal space between everyday lives and humorous fantasies.
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