Holistic TCM LIFE

Fan Wu

Holistic TCM LIFE

Project Description

Holistic TCM LIFE, is a concept of a mobile application design, adapted to iOS. It’s a daily Traditional Chinese Medical App for various range of patients to understand, learn and communicate, in order to achieve better health and wellness in their life.

Holistic TCM LIFE, the main core functions are designed as Symptom, Communication, Treatment, Health History and Community. Holistic TCM LIFE basically help patients to find a better way to heal thier symptoms through a series of online treatment experience, in order to improve their communication problems with many young Traditional Chinese physicians.

Project Background

The Twelve Time Periods & Meridian Systems

In ancient China, every two hours is one time unit, which means where are twelve time periods in a day. There are twelve meridians going through human body in a day. Each meridians deal with one organ, which means that organ are more active and easy to be cured during that period.

寅時 (黎明)

卯時 (日出)

辰時 (食時)

已時 (上午)

午時 (正午)

未時 (日跌) _____________________________

申時 (下午)

酉時 (日落)

戍時 (黃昏)

亥時 (夜幕)

子時 (子夜)

丑時 (拂曉)

03:00-05:00 am (dawn)

05:00-07:00 am (sunrise)

07:00-09:00 am (breakfast time)

09:00-11:00 am (morning)

11:00-13:00 (noon)

13:00-15:00 pm (sun before weaker)

15:00-17:00 pm (afternoon)

17:00-19:00 pm (sunset)

19:00-21:00 pm (evening)

21:00-23:00 pm (nightfall)

23:00-01:00 (midnight)

01:00-03:00 am (daybreak)

The lung Meridian

The large intestine meridian

The stomach meridian

The spleen meridian

The heart meridian

The small intestine meridian

The bladder meridian

The kidney meridian

The pericardium meridian

The triple energizer meridian

The gall bladder meridian

The liver meridian

Mobile App Prototype

Problem Space

For Patients:

  • Bad/ failed experiences for medical consultation
  • Lack of knowledge for medical terminology
  • High expectations and strong emotions
  • Disability of some communication skill (ex: verbal communication)
  • Traditional Chinese Medicine -Language & culture barrier
  • Fear of social occasions

For physicians:

  • Lack of communication skills
  • Lack of awareness for caring patient’s psychology
  • Lack of clinical experience
  • Cold attitude towards patients

Research Outcomes

Have you had unpleasant experience such as poor communication with doctor during your visit?

App Design Deliverable

UI App Animated Video

Fan Wu

I'm seeking opportunities
Contact Me
Hello, my name is Fan Wu, a 4th year COMD student in Emily Carr University of Art and Design. I’m also an expected further graphic designer based in Vancouver. During the school time, I was highly interested and focusing on gaining new knowledge, developing fun, creative and bright design projects. Some of my previous design project experiences in Tactile, Sustainability and Publication Design. This year, I was paying all my attention and take all my effort for my Grad Project: Holistic TCM LIFE (a daily healthy TCM mobile app design ). Holisitc TCM LIFE is a impactful health learning experience. I hope this app will convey a kind of energetic well-being phiolosphy to a various range of users and encourage users to become more confident and optimistic when they face to their illness. Also, I wish Holisitc TCM LIFE could help each single of user to achieve their needs and purposes.
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