Siying Lin

Recreate, Reuse, and Recycle are my design objectives for Already- New. It is a complete system  that will help lead people to more sustainable buying and selling habits. Users will fill different roles of donors, buyers, or designers in order to contribute to the community.

"Use the material that we already have to create something new."

“Use the material that we already have

To create something new.”


Due to the ever-increasing demand from consumers, fast fashion has seen a rise in recent years. This situation leads to numerous waste of fabric and energy resources. In this case, one of the topics that I would like to explore is how to extend the lifespan of used clothing. Through research, I found out a group of young people (students/designers) passionate about remaking old clothes. However, their daily work and budget limitations were holding them back.


To design a digital service that will save creators’ time while building a platform for them to showcase their work as well as building a community centered around eco-friendly fashion products.


  • To build a digital workspace for young clothes designers to reduce their workload and support their work.
  • To build a system that will invite all kinds of people to contribute to a healthy zero waste wardrobe system.
  • To create a community promoting extending the lifespan of used clothing.

Siying Lin

I'm seeking opportunities
Contact Me
Hello! I am Siying (Celine) Lin, an interaction design graduate from Emily Carr University of Art and Design who’s focused on service design, user experience design, user interface design, and video editing. I am passionate about designing things that improve everyday life and finding efficient solutions that are built to last.
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