“Down the Street”

Mhairi Ellen Walker

Have you ever seen something so small, so precious, that you are torn between the thoughts of “How was this made” and “Why is it so tiny”? Or do you find pleasure in diorama, dollhouses and displays? This project, my final VAST project here at Emily Carr, is made to bring up the interest and awe of the miniature as well as to gain some sort of control on space in this time of seclusion during COVID-19.

I named this work “Down the Street” because this small space isn’t a recreation, but the distillation of places I’ve seen in my life put together in a way that would be recognizable but not excluding in understanding. “Down the Street” alludes to directions that were vague enough to have someone stumble across this space on a walk in some neighborhood; “It’s just down the street” kind of directions.

The glittering texture of the glaze isn’t done justice without this little clip.

This last image is a little view into my side of the documentation, this is the scale that I work on, with a tiny throwing wheel and some make-shift tools, this project came together and exceeded my expectations in the response. I hope you enjoyed looking into my work. Thank you.

Mhairi Ellen Walker

From Langara transfer to Emily Carr graduate, Mhairi Walker has learned useful skills and tried many different practices in fine arts. The culmination of her studies led to this final project where smaller things make a big impact. Exploring the aspects of what makes miniature works exciting and alluring, Mhairi has thrown tiny pottery works, painted minuscule details and sculpted precious details into her final work.
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