Enjoy the little things

Elaine Cai

Thanks to memes and Instagram, I have enjoyed many “laughing moments,” which keep me positive to continue with my life, and I also collect them for me to flip back or share with others when fits in the situations. Personally, I’m a very easy-going person, get angry or depressed sometimes too, just like ordinary people, but I don’t keep those in mind, it’s like there’s a trash can in my mind and I can drag those stress throw into the trash and clean up everything once a month. It’s a very realistic solution to face our lives’ stress since we can’t really help with the anxiety that could’ve hit you anytime and destroy the peaceful moments.

I want to use my strength as a designer and open-minded humour genes to record/collect different ways of thinking through struggles, and maybe rather than fight with it, we could’ve just walked around it without waking it up. This project was started with how I love to pass pictures that make me laugh to all of my friends, and I feel satisfied when seeing all my friends got a moment of relief from the laughing moments, so I want to pass on this precious “relaxing” experience just like how I would share with my friends. Also, double happiness when sharing with others! 😉
Humour lightens our burdens, inspires hope, connects us with others, and keeps us grounded, focused, and alert. It also helps us release anger and forgive sooner. Nothing diffuses anger and conflict faster than a shared laugh. Looking at the funny side can put problems into perspective and enable us to move on from confrontations without holding onto bitterness or resentment.

Life brings challenges that can either get the best of us or become playthings for our imagination. When we “become the problem” and take ourselves too seriously, it can be hard to think outside of the box and find new solutions. But when we play with the problems, we can often transform them into an opportunity for creative learning. Also while laughing together, shared laughter signals that we see the world in the same way, and it momentarily boosts our sense of connections.

Humour can be as simple as laughing at whatever we think is funny, but it can be as complex as helping us navigate the chaos, and it even has the unique ability to unite foes. It doesn’t mean our pain is less, just that we have a more useful tool to smother it with humour. Gathering up the strength to raise our heads and smile at life, even if it has some tough blows for us too.

There is nothing wrong with working hard, but we all deserve the right to have a rest in between. Taking a break is for accomplishing the longer journey. This leads to my thesis of the project, Stress would never go away, happiness will eventually hit you, and that’s how it repeats, which is the process of being alive until the last day of our lives.  So laugh out loud when you can; the reality is not worth it for us to be so tangled. If people feel relaxed to see my works and receive the happiness out of them, let’s take a break from reality together for a while.

The more it is to keep the happiness longer
I really hope every day will be a nice day for both of us! 😀

Enjoy all the little bits of our daily life and hope for a nice day 😀

The moment with them with me and with you.
Physical prints

Elaine Cai

I'm seeking opportunities
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Elaine is a professional visual communication designer who graduated from Emily Carr University of Art and Design in 2021. She is a bilingual, Vancouver-based designer born in Fujian, China. Her multicultural experiences have influenced a lot on her insights into the world. Elaine is amazed by the unlimited potential the world of design holds and how seemingly small designs can significantly impact the world. It is also the goal for her to achieve. Elaine also has a natural sense of humour that she's hoping to incroprate into her works and spread the happiness around.
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