
Yuhyun Hwang

Enjoy local as much as you can!

Here we can help you!

#Enjoylocal #Culture #Host & Guest

Project Brief

Travelling is fun but can sometimes be challenging. Some countries could be very different from our own country. That’s why it can be more difficult and challenging if you are travelling to another country with a whole different culture because things are so different and you are not used to them. Language, culture, and system differences can be confusing and overwhelming, especially if you’ve never been before. Also, it will be hard to experience local destination culture deeply in a short time. Therefore, this is why our service exists. We will help match local hosts and travellers to solve the challenges of travelling to other countries. 

First page of “Moment”

Problem Space

Going to an unfamiliar place can be frightening. Therefore, most people tend to feel fear of visiting new and unfamiliar places. It’s easy to get stressed out setting up travel plans and googling packaged trips can be sponsored and are full of advertisements. By having locals around, travellers can find treasures in a hidden place and discover the beauty of local destinations because locals know best. 


This app generally helps to match the local tour host based on the traveller’s travel taste. When users first log in, it will start with some questions that ask the traveller’s travel taste, and after gathering tastes, the app will automatically recommend hosts to travellers. Therefore, in this way, travellers can enjoy their trip more locally based, and the app will help revive the local community economy. 

“Support travellers with experience of exploring new cultures by helping them immerse in local culture with skilled and trusted local hosts.”

Brand positioning (to complete) – 

  • Encouraging users to experience wonderful moments of traveling destination local culture with safety, and helping them to open themselves into new environments. 

Brand vision

(to be) – 

  • Grown-up as significant brand for travel like an app “Air bnb” 

Brand Mission

(to do) verb – 

  • Helping users to have a great moments 
  • Recommending travel host (like short term home stay_including accomodation, meals, and activities) based on travelers travel tastes. 

Brand value

(to behave) 

adverb, noun- 

  • Helping users deeply immersing in the local culture. 

Brand essence (brand DNA)-

  • Encouraging people to challenge themselves into a new space, and helping them to capture the beauty of local destination without worries (safety issues, planing travel schedule with overwhelming and loneliness).

Brand Name 


Joyful moments 

Sharing your moment with someone else 

Why logo looks like this? 

I designed a logo with abstract shapes with a gradation of bright colours and the shapes are abstract for an open interpretation. Overall, I wanted to convey the vibe of immersing into local culture with joyful moments. 

Key words: 

Immersing, Joy, Joyful moments, Travel, Local culture, Explore, Dynamic 

Main Features

Recommending Host & Guest 

Location Tracker and Emergency Contact 

Chat Feature Between Host & Guest 


Video Prototype –

Host Version

Guest Version

Touchable Prototype Link-

Mockup Posters

Bus stop advertisement

Airport advertisement

Yuhyun Hwang

I'm seeking opportunities
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Creative and collaborative brand designer. Skillful in producing fascinating outcomes by blending brand goals with skilled design aesthetics. Good at communicating to connect users well with services and design products.
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