Painting Practice

Quinn Monleon

Truth and Reconciliation

Oil on canvas


Our Prime Minister
Said, “Peoplekind” not “mankind”
As toxic waste builds

A woke king’s bowels,
Insulting and assaulting
This suffering land

(disordered connectivity) noospheric mystic embryo

Acrylic on canvas


We are othered for
Our synaptic ‘dysfunction’,
But it’s a blessing.

On Victorialand / Venus as an Autist

Oil on canvas


Blissful understanding
No longer needing to mask
Divine state of mind

A Bear

Acrylic on canvas


Cannibalized beast
Beneath the magma heavens
Poor little thing

mountain mantra, memory maranta

Acrylic on canvas


An ocean prayer
Emerging or devoured?
First houseplant I bought

spiral bloom / embryo decay

Oil and acrylic on canvas


Candy-hued serpents
Manifest before sunset
Sentience unknown

contaminated coniferous

Oil on canvas


A mother’s last breath
Reclining corpse on redwood
Damn, that’s gotta hurt

Quinn Monleon

I'm seeking opportunities
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Critical + Cultural Practices Major. 21 years old. Visual art practice mainly focuses on oil and acrylic painting.
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